Can I get a copy of the License Agreement?Here is it - License Agreement. What are the differences between all the license types?
+ Extended technical support is available at $150 per year. Does CalendarXP need internet access or rely on any external server for license checking?No, the license checking is implemented locally and doesn't make any connections outside your website. Does CalendarXP require an installation routine or any registration process running on my server?No, it doesn't. CalendarXP is made from JavaScript and all you need is to copy the script files over, nothing else. What's the meaning of a sub-domain?A subdomain is a domain that is part of a larger domain. Subdomains are separated by dots "." and are read from left to right, in descending specificity. e.g. the following domains are all qualified as sub-domains of [calendarxp.net] : [www.calendarxp.net], [test.calendarxp.net], [server1.qa.calendarxp.net]. What domain names are valid under the Single License?The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or hostname you registered for your single web host is valid per Single License, plus the name "localhost" and the counterpart prefixed with "www.". You're entitled to register 1 name per license. For example, if you purchased a Single License and registered it with [calendarxp.net], you should then be able to access the product enabled page via [http://calendarxp.net/...], [http://localhost/...] or [http://www.calendarxp.net/...]. But it won't work under [http://test.calendarxp.net]. Note that registering a Single License with an IP address is highly discouraged as it won't work on any URL with a domain name, even if the domain name resolves to the same IP address. What domain names are valid under the Domain License?The domain name you registered and all of its sub-domains, plus all non-dotted local hostnames, are valid per Domain License. You're entitled to register 1 name per license. If you purchased multiple licenses, you may combine them together to serve a multi-domain website. For example, if you purchased a Domain License and registered it with [calendarxp.net], you could use it on web host whose name is either [calendarxp.net] or any one that ends with ".calendarxp.net", like [www.calendarxp.net], [test.calendarxp.net] and [bob.service.calendarxp.net], as wells as [abc1223] etc. What's the meaning of a non-dotted intranet host?A non-dotted intranet host is a host whose name contains no "." (dot) characters. It's often used to access computers located in an intranet environment. e.g [host123], [test-server1] etc. How many licenses do I need?It depends. If you go for the Enterprise License, you only need 1 due to its unlimited nature. If you go for the Domain License, you need 1 per each top-level domain. You don't need to purchase extra license for sub-domains of the same top-level domain, as they are included with the top-level's license. See following FAQ for details. Finally, if you go for the Single License, you'll need to buy 1 license per each registered name. See following FAQ for details. What type of fee applies to the above licenses, one-time fee or annual fee?The license fees listed above are all one-time charges. Once purchased the license can be used for life. Which license type is for internal Intranet site?The domain license will be your target. Simply register it with your company's domain name, e.g. [yourcompany.com], the nature of the domain license will automatically covers all non-dotted hostnames, like [abc] or [host123]. Note: ip address or any name that contains the "." char are not covered by this type of license. How can I upgrade the type of my single or domain license(s)?If you had a lower-level license and would like to upgrade it to higher-level one, you could simply trade-in your old license via email for a discount coupon of the same value you paid for your old license. You could then use the received coupon code to purchase a higher-level license and the amount of coupon value would be deducted from your order. Once you received the new license, the original license you traded in would become invalid and you should stop using it right away. Do I need to register the protocol name like "http://" or "https://" ? How about port number?No, you don't. What you need to register is just the name of the domain - the license doesn't restrict protocol name or port number. How much royalty fee do I have to pay to integrate your product with our retail product?You don't need to pay anything extra to distribute our products with your retail product if and only if you have purchased the Enterprise License. However, repackaging our products for resale is strictly NOT allowed.
Security Update Warning
Thanks to Ilguiz Latypov, an XSS security weakness was detected in the iflateng.htm and ipopeng.htm files. We have fixed it in the latest release. But if you installed CalendarXP products before, please ensure to overwrite them with the version 10.0.1 or newer. Details can be found here: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2017-9072
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